How to Get New Invention Ideas by Richard Engelbrink

Richard Engelbrink attributes his innovative techniques for brainstorming as an integral part of his ability to develop inspiration for new invention ideas which he eagerly shared with his peers.

 Engelbrink’s Techniques for Brainstorming

80-year old Houston resident, Richard Engelbrink is widely known as a gifted and talented amateur inventor. But how did he come up with so many incredibly innovative ideas?

Engelbrink Brainstorming

What was his secret? He was a strong advocate for critical thinking and analysis and his handy notebook allowed him to take notes whenever inspiration struck him.

Richard's Techniques

Many ask about Richard Engelbrink’s techniques for brainstorming.

Richard Engelbrink's Notes

Although there is no secret recipe to his success, you could often find Mr. Engelbrink recording invention thoughts in a small notebook he kept with him at all times.

How Richard Develops Invention Inspiration Ideas

Richard’s inspiring invention ideas were not just for his own consumption. He took great delight in sharing them with up-and-coming inventors and other technology enthusiasts of all ages.

Richard Engelbrink houston man is an invention enthusiast and reports news on latest inventions
The latest gadget news from Richard Engelbrink reporting from Houston Texas

How Engelbrink Developed Ideas

Richard believed firmly in the concept that inventors stood on the frontlines of the battle to continually improve living conditions for all of humanity. When asked how Richard develops invention inspiration ideas he would indicate that working closely and sharing thoughts with other inventors was a vital component.

Working With Local Inventors

By working side-by-side with other local amateur inventors in the Houston, Texas, area, Richard found he performed more efficiently. Together, armed with a fresh perspective, the sky was the limit. Richard soon discovered that he faced similar challenges and had similar inspiration as many of his contemporaries. He leveraged this discovery to develop some truly outstanding inventions.

Houston Man, Richard Engelbrink, 80 year old invention enthusiast photo gallery

Richard Engelbrink Techniques for Brainstorming

Using the small notebook he carried wherever life’s adventures led, Richard would record his thoughts whenever an idea struck him. When he hit a streak of inventor’s block, one of his tried and true techniques for brainstorming fresh ideas was to read science fiction novels. From a young age, he developed a fascination with the incredible ideas and technologies explored in the sci-fi genre. After they saw him reading a new novel or science fiction series, friends, family and coworkers would eagerly await Richard Engelbrink’s next invention. They knew that, based on the inspiration he received from the book, they were in for a real treat.

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